Already? I have to welcome myself back already? Maybe I need to reintroduce myself. Blogging is hardwork...almost as hard as being a mom. I kid I kid.
Jack will be 2 months on Friday and I will be back to work... :-(
I've promised myself I would write Jack a letter every month, here is month one:
Dear Jack,
You are one month old today. I cannot believe it. Our lives have been forever changed…for the better of course. It’s like you’ve always been in our life! I can’t remember a better time. I also can’t remember a more exhausted time of our life.
One month ago today we were checking into the hospital and anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little being we had started loving back in June when we first found out about you. Little did we know that love was nothing compared to the love we were getting ready to experience. February 9, 2010. That morning the doctor had broken my water in her office and told us we were going to be meeting our little man before the day was over! We checked into DePaul Hospital at 11:55am. After 6 hours of labor, lots of drugs, and a wonderful support system we finally got to meet you. You arrived at 6:24pm, 6lbs 11 oz, and 19 ½ inches long. In our eyes you were perfect.
We knew you were going to be a ladies’ man before we even checked out of the hospital. Every nurse was swooning over you. They called you their little surfer boy. They all obsessed over your blonde hair. You can thank me later. The nurses loved you so much that they held you at their desk instead of keeping you in the nursery. You charmer you…
This past month has been an absolute whirlwind. A whirlwind of visitors, packages, presents, and cards. It’s been amazing to see how many people are in love with you already. Also, a whirlwind of diapers, feedings, lack of sleep, and lack of laundry for sure! Our lives have been turned upside down by such a little person. Upside down in the best way imaginable.
You are an eating machine. By 2 weeks you had gained almost a pound! We’re sure you’ve gained much more since then. Every 2 hours you ask me for food. And not so patiently eat away, just as quickly as you can.
You are a diaper filling fool. We change diapers at least every single time you eat. Sometimes more. You’re not a huge fan of diaper changes. However, your favorite trick is to wait until we have taken your dirty diaper completely off and then peeing all over the place. It’s hilarious. Also requires multiple outfit changes. I know secretly you think it’s great. Good thing you have a closet full of clothes. You have your father’s sense of humor.
Crying is your favorite pastime. Sadly, it’s a case of bad gas. Your doctor says there is nothing we can do and you will outgrow it by 3 months. 3 months? We do lots of pacing, rocking, bouncing, and holding in hopes we can make you feel better. This hurts my stomach like you wouldn’t believe. One perk of this gas is watching/listening to your relieve yourself. It’s hilarious. You can burp and fart with the best of them. Your G.G (Great Granny) laughed so hard and mentioned we could call it an explosion, not a fart.
Bath time. Definitely not your favorite time of the day. You scream, cry, and act like we are brutalizing you every minute of your bath. I keep trying to tell you we would never do anything to hurt you. I guess trusting us at bath time is something you’re going to have to learn.
You’ve been alive for 1 month and I can’t imagine a single day without you. Baby Jack, you’ve made us the happiest parents in the world. Thank you for being a perfect angel, our perfect little angel.
Mom and Dad
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