Monday, November 22, 2010


Who you might ask?  Well if you think I'm talking about either one of these two then..well...guilty.

But on Sunday (and sometimes Monday) afternoons my heart is taken by none other than...

Tom Brady.  It's ok Chris loves him too.  We agreed to share.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I'm not much of a contest "enterer".  I don't win, so I just don't play.  Can only win if you play right?  One the flip side you can't lose if you don't play!  I've always subscribed to that theory.

Last Friday Jack and I were having an impromptu playdate with Baby Dean (who by the way is EXACTLY 5 months younger than Jack). Jack loves him some Baby Dean. I totally see future football games and playing war in the backyard, or maybe fishing at Baby Dean's house. Look how much Jack likes Dean. He just wanted to touch his face, chew on his feet, and take his paci.

Phone rings and the following conversation ensues:

Dan: "  Hi, this is Dan from ODU Athletic Department.  Congrats on your win!"

Me:  "Won what?"

Dan:  "You obviously didn't get me email."

Me:  "No, won what?  I never win anything."

Dan:  "You've won the dinner and a game contest."

At this point I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about and I don't even try to play it cool.  Dan keeps explaining the contest.  I finally vaguely remember signing up.  He probably thinks I'm blonde.  I then squeal and squirm and tell Dan he's made my day.  I keep going on about how I have a 9 month old that doesn't sleep, Chris and I don't go on dates, and my husband used to work for 456FISH (the dinner part of the contest).  Wait?!?!  That doesn't disqualify me from the contest does it?  No.  OK!  Great!  WE WON!!!  He most definitely thinks I'm blonde. 

We went to the game.  They played High Point.  Nobody was there, but we did get to sit 10 rows back  It was a total blowout.  We saw a kid that obviously never plays play.  And he dunked it.  The players went wild.  I bet it was his best basketball moment to date.  I may or may not have teared up.  We got ice cream.  And headed home.  Grandma babysat while we were gone (THANKS A MILLION x infinity for that).

We're saving out gift card for a special night.  I'm going to order the crab cake...and the fried green tomatoes...and a bottle of wine...and the bread pudding.  It's going to be fabulous.

Now that I've won I'm a contest playing fool.  What's a little junk mail in the inbox?  YAHOO has a SPAM filter anyway!

I'll keep you posted...I'm definitely ready to win again.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9 Months

Dear Jack,

This letter is for you, but this month it isn't about you.  It's an introduction to a man you will never meet on this earth.  About a man you probably met up there before you were born.  It's about a man I want you to know, even if it is only through words, stories, and pictures.

To most he was Charles.  To some GaDoc, The Bank, and Doc.  To 3 people he was Dad, and to one, best friend and husband.  To me, he was perfect.  A perfect mix of loving, caring, hardworking, and smart.  He was interesting, passionate, talented, and stubborn.  Funny and witty.  Gentle, yet stern.  He was the love of G.G.'s life, the father to your Nana, and my Grandpa Doc.

A million stories and tales run through my head when I think of him.  Where do I start?  How do I summarize, and what if I forget something?

55 years ago he met your G.G.  On their first date he asked her to marry him.  He sent her love birds, wrote her letters, and 6 short months later they were married.  He worked hard.  Pursued a career in medicine.  Spent countless hours at work, all to put food on the table, horses in stalls, and smiles on the faces of his  kids at home.  From him, you can learn a lesson or two about hard work.

Grandpa doc was interesting.  He had hobbies and tools galore.  Whether it be canning or creating model airplanes his passion for these hobbies never wavered.  I hope you are as passionate as he was. 

Although I truly believe you two met before you were born I wish, Jack, that you could have met him on this earth.  I can almost picture his hands holding your little body and I can imagine you tapping his belly or pulling on his suspenders.  I know each development you make would blow his mind.  He was fascinated by things like that.  Jack, he would have adored you, you would have worshiped him.  I'm certain of it.

Your dad and I promise to tell you stories, show you pictures, and remind you of who your Great Grandpa Doc was.

Today you turn 9 months old.  Today your Great Grandpa Doc would have been 80.  Happy Birthday Jack..  Happy Birthday Grandpa Doc.


Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Little Rooster

Back in February I gave birth to a little baby rooster boy.  We named him Jack and love him to pieces....even at 5AM (if we are lucky).  Sunday we dressed our (almost nine month old) baby boy up as a rooster.  He loved it.  I loved it.  Each and every time I looked at him I smiled, no more than smiled, I laughed.  He was the cutest darn boy rooster I've ever seen.

Not quite sure about this getup...
My GG loves it

Boo!!  Ahh!!!
My girlfriend, Stella, was a duck
I think she's funny

We jammed with the "Bat Ballerina"
All this partying really wore me out

Happy Halloween 2010!!