Saturday, April 24, 2010

2 Month Letter...sans the picture.

I just can't get it all together. See post below to find out why...


Dear Jack,

Today you are 2 months old. 2 whole months! Where has time gone? I guess time really DOES fly when you're having fun!

You are handsome, perfect, and precious all wrapped into one. How did we ever live without you?

You still love to eat. And your 11 lbs body proves it. We can't help but smile when we see you belly out, hanging in your diaper. Truth is we can't help but smile when we see you in anything!!

You are great with the bottle. Maybe a little to great. You can suck down 5 oz in no time flat. Makes me nervous as to what you will do in college.

Your gas. Turns out your gas isn't (ahem, wasn't)gas at all! The doctor diagnosed you with acid reflux and put you on Baby Zantac. It does the trick. Along with elevated eating, burping, and sleeping! You can still burp & toot with the best of them though!

You smile. Heck, apparently you laugh! 6 weeks and 1 day you broke you first "on purpose" smile. It melted our hearts x 10. Now you smile at just about everything. Today you laughed. Your dad dropped you off at Grandma's and when he kissed you goodbye you laughed. So he stayed another 10 minutes kissing you; you kept laughing.

Yesterday I dropped you off at Grandma's for the first time. I only cried twice. Your 2 cousins, Grayson & Lucy helped Grandma all day. You are so loved.

Bathtime. Our nightly routine. You've learned to like it & in fact with your new bathtub I think you secretly love it. I know we love seeing you splash your feet around whether you know what you are doing or not.

Bedtime. Definitely not your favorite time of the day. We've moved you into your own crib, in your VERY own room. 3 words. NOT A FAN! For the first 1/2 of the night you're up every 45 minutes. Nothing is wrong, you aren't hungry, just want some love. Attention HOG! Hopefully this gets better.

We love every ounce of you. Every finger, every toe, every little inch of your body. You are developing a personality and surprise surprise...we love it. Baby Jack you are the light of our lives. We know some day you are going to grow up, have babies of your own, and then you will know exactly what we are feeling. I can't wait for month see what's in store. To see how you grow.

Love always and forever,

Mom and Dad

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