Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Aspirator

A mother's best friend. A baby's worst nightmare.

Baby Jack has been snotty for the past few days. He seems to be feeling fine, just can't quite breathe with his paci in (See Post below about Jack's love for the paci). When he can't have his paci, he can't sleep, when he can't sleep we can't sleep, you get the picture.

The answer to snotty nose, no paci, sleepless nights? That's right folks, the good ole aspirator.
It's like straight out of a horror movie for Baby Jack.
Let me set the scene: Baby Jack is snorting, paci falls out, crying ensues. Then, "The Villain" (dad) comes in with the blue bulb in one hand, burp cloth in the other.(insert scary music) He then sneak attacks the snorting baby trapped in his crib. The Villain proceeds to hold said baby's head still while sucking every last ounce of snot out of his nose. Baby then WAILS like you've never heard wailing before. Finally villain leaves and Goddess/Hero/Beauty of the night (mom) comes in to save poor baby from THE ASPIRATOR. (insert beautiful sounds of the harp) Goddess/Hero/Beauty of the night, rocks WAILING baby back to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. This was a good one, and honest.
    paci+snotty nose does NOT equal a good rest.
