Friday, December 17, 2010

10 Months


A few things about your 10th month...

  • I gave birth to a weed.  Seriously you are growing WAY too fast!  We look at pictures from a few months back and WOAH!  That's not even the same kid is it?  Then we recognize your baby blues and very natural combover...
  • You are still wearing a size 3 diaper (and will be for a long time).  Clothes, however, vary in size.  You are currently wearing anything from 9 months to 12 months.  Very few pants fit.  OshGosh has the adjustable tab waist and is the only brand that fits around your skinny belly.  At your 9 month check up you weighed 18lbs 7 oz (20th percentile).
  • Despite your slender figure you eat anything and everything.  Your dad and I are convinced you have a tapeworm (and honestly would love for you to share). We feed you table food now, practicing picking up as much as possible.  Jack, you have mastered the pick up, just not the rationing it out.  Daddy and I have to remind you that 20 Cheerios in the mouth probably won't have the result you are looking for!  "Slow and steady"...definitely not your motto.
  • You are a parrot.  Mimicking everything we do or say.  Consequently, we say and do some really funny stuff.  It's not uncommon to hear us ask you "How big is Jack", throw our hands up in the air and respond, "SO BIG" as you reach for the sky.  In your head I'm sure you are saying Santa says HOHOHO, a dog goes woof, a horn says HONK so lay off me people!  Can't you see I'm trying to shovel Cheerios in my mouth, not do tricks!!
  • Walking is in our VERY near future.  You've mastered pulling up, walking around objects, and pushing your car.  Every once in a while you take a "shuffle step" to get from the coffee table to my leg, or the couch, or so on.  I'm not calling it walking yet, but you sure are close.  We definitely need baby gates...and get them up.
  • Crawling is one of your favorite modes of transportation.  Second only to being carried.  You. love. contact.  Snuggling, being held, carried, you name it you like it.  for months now you let us know when you want up.  Throw your arms in the air and stare at us with those baby blues.  And man you can work it.  Those eyes are going to melt hearts someday...right now they melt ours.
  • Napping.  Awful.  I hate thinking about it and you hate taking them...unless you can do it on me or dad, or Grandma.  Again, back to the whole snuggling thing.  The doctor says you are smart and playing us like a fiddle.  I agree, but it still breaks my heart to hear you scream in your crib.  Nights are a different story (FINALLY)!!  You sleep from 8PM-6:30AM, like clockwork.  HOORAY!  I think you are the world's EASIEST baby to put to bed too.
  • 5 teeth and you know how to use them.  You bite.  Everything.  We are trying to remind you, no biting. Like everything you do, it is so stinking cute though.  Good thing you don't go to preschool, I don't think I could handle getting kicked out.  (I think you are just testing the waters and it feels good on those sore little gums)
  • Speaking of testing the definitely know right from wrong.  In fact I believe you are going to think your name is Jack NO!  Lately before you do something you know is wrong you take a look over your shoulder to see if we are watching or not.  We are.  Trust me.  Remember that.
We love everything about you Baby Jack.  You never cease to amaze us.  Where in the world would we be without your smiling clapping, "SO BIG", chunky legged self?

We had to give you a distraction...

...because you wouldn't stay still

Monday, November 22, 2010


Who you might ask?  Well if you think I'm talking about either one of these two then..well...guilty.

But on Sunday (and sometimes Monday) afternoons my heart is taken by none other than...

Tom Brady.  It's ok Chris loves him too.  We agreed to share.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I'm not much of a contest "enterer".  I don't win, so I just don't play.  Can only win if you play right?  One the flip side you can't lose if you don't play!  I've always subscribed to that theory.

Last Friday Jack and I were having an impromptu playdate with Baby Dean (who by the way is EXACTLY 5 months younger than Jack). Jack loves him some Baby Dean. I totally see future football games and playing war in the backyard, or maybe fishing at Baby Dean's house. Look how much Jack likes Dean. He just wanted to touch his face, chew on his feet, and take his paci.

Phone rings and the following conversation ensues:

Dan: "  Hi, this is Dan from ODU Athletic Department.  Congrats on your win!"

Me:  "Won what?"

Dan:  "You obviously didn't get me email."

Me:  "No, won what?  I never win anything."

Dan:  "You've won the dinner and a game contest."

At this point I have absolutely no idea what he's talking about and I don't even try to play it cool.  Dan keeps explaining the contest.  I finally vaguely remember signing up.  He probably thinks I'm blonde.  I then squeal and squirm and tell Dan he's made my day.  I keep going on about how I have a 9 month old that doesn't sleep, Chris and I don't go on dates, and my husband used to work for 456FISH (the dinner part of the contest).  Wait?!?!  That doesn't disqualify me from the contest does it?  No.  OK!  Great!  WE WON!!!  He most definitely thinks I'm blonde. 

We went to the game.  They played High Point.  Nobody was there, but we did get to sit 10 rows back  It was a total blowout.  We saw a kid that obviously never plays play.  And he dunked it.  The players went wild.  I bet it was his best basketball moment to date.  I may or may not have teared up.  We got ice cream.  And headed home.  Grandma babysat while we were gone (THANKS A MILLION x infinity for that).

We're saving out gift card for a special night.  I'm going to order the crab cake...and the fried green tomatoes...and a bottle of wine...and the bread pudding.  It's going to be fabulous.

Now that I've won I'm a contest playing fool.  What's a little junk mail in the inbox?  YAHOO has a SPAM filter anyway!

I'll keep you posted...I'm definitely ready to win again.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9 Months

Dear Jack,

This letter is for you, but this month it isn't about you.  It's an introduction to a man you will never meet on this earth.  About a man you probably met up there before you were born.  It's about a man I want you to know, even if it is only through words, stories, and pictures.

To most he was Charles.  To some GaDoc, The Bank, and Doc.  To 3 people he was Dad, and to one, best friend and husband.  To me, he was perfect.  A perfect mix of loving, caring, hardworking, and smart.  He was interesting, passionate, talented, and stubborn.  Funny and witty.  Gentle, yet stern.  He was the love of G.G.'s life, the father to your Nana, and my Grandpa Doc.

A million stories and tales run through my head when I think of him.  Where do I start?  How do I summarize, and what if I forget something?

55 years ago he met your G.G.  On their first date he asked her to marry him.  He sent her love birds, wrote her letters, and 6 short months later they were married.  He worked hard.  Pursued a career in medicine.  Spent countless hours at work, all to put food on the table, horses in stalls, and smiles on the faces of his  kids at home.  From him, you can learn a lesson or two about hard work.

Grandpa doc was interesting.  He had hobbies and tools galore.  Whether it be canning or creating model airplanes his passion for these hobbies never wavered.  I hope you are as passionate as he was. 

Although I truly believe you two met before you were born I wish, Jack, that you could have met him on this earth.  I can almost picture his hands holding your little body and I can imagine you tapping his belly or pulling on his suspenders.  I know each development you make would blow his mind.  He was fascinated by things like that.  Jack, he would have adored you, you would have worshiped him.  I'm certain of it.

Your dad and I promise to tell you stories, show you pictures, and remind you of who your Great Grandpa Doc was.

Today you turn 9 months old.  Today your Great Grandpa Doc would have been 80.  Happy Birthday Jack..  Happy Birthday Grandpa Doc.


Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Little Rooster

Back in February I gave birth to a little baby rooster boy.  We named him Jack and love him to pieces....even at 5AM (if we are lucky).  Sunday we dressed our (almost nine month old) baby boy up as a rooster.  He loved it.  I loved it.  Each and every time I looked at him I smiled, no more than smiled, I laughed.  He was the cutest darn boy rooster I've ever seen.

Not quite sure about this getup...
My GG loves it

Boo!!  Ahh!!!
My girlfriend, Stella, was a duck
I think she's funny

We jammed with the "Bat Ballerina"
All this partying really wore me out

Happy Halloween 2010!! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I have total blogging anxiety

So I am going to break the ice with diarrhea of the mouth (or fingers in my case)...

For months before I even met Lindsey I stalked read her fabulous blog. I raved about her funny posts, called my husband at work to read snippets of her stuff, and let myself get so lost in her blog I was totally convinced we were friends. Her hilarious random stream of consciousness inspired today's post. Also, I'm convinced the best way to get back into the swing of blogging, is to dive right in. So here goes...

We picked my car up from the impound lot the other day. It had been there since last Friday. Apparently whoever stole the car was SHORT and preferred driving while leaning back so far I'm not quite sure how he (or she) could see over the steering wheel. Backtrack, our car was stolen a couple weeks ago. FROM OUR DRIVEWAY. Who does that? And the kicker? Chris' car was parked behind it. Awesome. Not only did they steal our car, but they drove through the grass to get it out. Who steals cars anyway? Anyway, they still have a key to it, so we can't bring it home. There is tons of body damage, a window is busted out, and the worst part? They sat on one of Jack's baby blankets. The sight of this poor swaddle blanket all crunched up on the drivers seat instantly brought tears to my eyes. Perk? Somehow we managed to get a PS3 in the backseat. The cops said it's ours, now only if it works.

I need new shoes. Unfortunately, I have a closet full of shoes, but none seem to be perfect. I need a few of the basics. FLATS. TONS OF FLATS. I only have a pair, and they are yellow. Not very practical huh? Boots. I love boots. Especially flat boots. I need a new pair. Black ones. I have 3 pairs of brown, tons of winter black clothes, and nothing to pair them with! Ugh. The options are endless...unfortunately for me (and the bank account) my favorite pair cost $1,000. Won't. be. buying. them.

Speaking of boots. What is wrong with our weather? Who wears a tank top the last week of October? Oh this girl. And not to mention Jack has been in short sleeved onesies all week long. 90 degrees the other day? 80 today? I'm starting to believe in global warming and starting to be depressed that it might be too warm for Jack to dress up on Sunday. Total. Depression.

He's going to be a rooster. Total cute. Well it will be if I can dress him up in it. Or if he will keep the hood on (total doubter). He won't let us keep anything on his head. Not even the hooded towel when he gets out of the bathtub He yanks at it and grabs it; frustrated as they come. What am I supposed to do when it is freezing outside? Let the poor child's ears freeze? We like to run in the mornings (like might be a stretch..need to is more like it) and without a hood/hat on Jack's ears may fall off come January. Any suggestions?

Yes, I run. Sometimes. I love it, hate it, and everything in between. The part I love most is watching Jack grin and chat with himself while in the jogger. He loves to run too. The part I hate most is...the running. I'm not a natural runner. I struggle to breathe, my legs itch, my feet get achy, the list goes on. But a workout is a workout right? Why can't weight just fall off of you? Why can't we all burn calories just sitting around? That would be lucky. Currently I'm the luckiest gal around. I breastfeed. I pump. I nourish my child with my own body. And I burn calories while doing it. Tons of calories. I read somewhere (probably wikipedia or some yahoo forum) that for every 1 oz of breast milk you burn 20 calories. Hooray! Every morning at 5AM I wake up with my boobs in my chin, hard as rocks, and throbbing to let loose (sorry dad, Steve, and any other male figure that didn't know that happens), I hook myself up to a machine, put my head in my hands 1/2 asleep, and burn calories. Approximately 160 to be exact. It's awesome. I've done a full workout without ever leaving my room. Not to mention just 1 short hour later Jack is up and wanting breakfast..woohoo another 80 calories or so!!!

I have so much more to share, but hopefully this got me in the swing of things! I'm not so nervous any more! And I feel the creative juices STARTING to come back. My cousin said once I start sleeping through the night my creativity will go away...I didn't believe her, but I think she was right. I'm working on it, I promise.

I'll be writing again soon. Again, I promise.


PS This picture is totally unrelated, but totally adorable.  I mean I think he's cuter than the Gerber babies.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Dear Blog,

I'm so sorry I've been missing since the end of August.  I desperately want to write more than just monthly love letters to my child.  But I haven't found any free time!  Good news is when I do find the out!  I've got tons to post.  I've done a 1/2 marathon, traveled across the country, went to a concert, my baby learned to crawl, he learned to pull up, and tonight...we're going to let him CIO.  Wish us luck!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

While I was pregnant...

I was writing emails and updates to my friends and family that aren't here in Norfolk. It was a great way to keep them updated, but today I was reading through them and realized, "Hey what a great way for Jack to read about himself prior to life in the real world!"

Here you go...

9 Weeks

As you all know Chris and I have had a really big year so store, new house, and now...NEW BABY!
Yes you read that right...Chris and I are having a baby! We are a little over 9 weeks along, went to our 2nd doctor's visit yesterday and the baby is doing great, very healthy, and growing! =) Our due date is 2/20/2010! We were surprised to say the least, but really happy and looking forward to what's in store for us! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers; we are both extremely excited and very nervous as I'm sure all first time parents are! We can't wait to introduce you all to our new addition in early 2010!

12 Weeks

Chris and I had a doctor’s appointment today! We are officially 12 weeks and 2 days!!! WOOHOO! The baby is the size of a lime and getting reflexes this week! For the first time when I push on my stomach he/she can feel it! =) I've gained a little weight and my boobs are ALREADY a cup size bigger!!! It's crazy...other than that I've felt completely normal. There are times where I don't really believe I have a baby growing inside of me! Then I look at my belly and my boobs and I'm reminded!
The visit was supposed to be a short one today; we were just getting a "tummy check" and hearing the heartbeat on the Doppler! We heard the heartbeat, it was incredible! 160 bpm...sounds so fast, but it’s just because her/his heart is so little it's having to work like crazy to do its job!!!
We met with the midwife in our group and she was not busy this morning so she asked us if we wanted pictures!! we packed our stuff up and went into the ultrasound room! He/she finally looks like a baby!! The other ultrasounds have made him/her look like a kidney bean. The pictures this week were breathtaking. I have been having days with panic moments where I'm scared to death to become a mom, but today I felt this eerie sense of calmness. Cheesy? Emotional? Maybe, I'm going to blame it on the hormones...but I really felt happy-peaceful today. The little rascal was acting all sorts of crazy in there today! He/She kept jumping around like a little Mexican jumping bean! The midwife said it was because I had just eaten and he/she was happy to be getting nourishment. It was so fun. The best baby doctor visit to date...

16 Weeks

We had our 16 week check up today! =)

Normally at this check up you have blood work done to check for any possible problems. However, because they were a little worried about my cervix they opted to do an ultrasound!! We met with the ultrasound tech, she lubed my stomach up and we were ready to go...We knew there was a possibility we could tell the sex this week. Sex organs are visible starting at 14 weeks, they are just very small! The tech wasn't confident we would be able to see anything. She kept saying that they baby would have to be lying just perfectly to be able to tell ANYTHING. We laid there (ok Chris sat) fingers crossed and hoped she would be able to tell. Apparently we have a future exhibitionist on our hands because he (yes you read that right), was spread eagle and showing all of his goods!!! =) Once I figure out how to scan anything I'll email the little picture of can't miss it even if you don't know what you are looking for!!!

Introducing...Jack Christopher Dial...our little heartbreaker! =) It was incredible! Just the sight of our little boy brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure Christopher was having visions of footballs, baseballs, and any other sport! We cannot wait to meet our little guy in just 5 short months!

On a much more boring note, my cervix looks good. Everything is where it is supposed to be and I'm gaining a little weight. I have only gained a total 3 pounds since finding out we were pregnant, but I'm telling you it feels like much, much more!!

I wanted to send a short email to share our excitement with everyone! We cannot wait to start decorating and buying! It's very very exciting!

20 Weeks

It's officially on...BUMP WATCH 2010!

I'm 20 weeks along! Life is good, I'm feeling great, and literally eating for 2! My only issue right now is my back. Apparently Jack is comfy and laying on my sciatic nerve. My lower back is achy...but anything for your kid right?!? I can feel him moving around! He's not kicking yet, but just casually swimming back and forth!

We went to the doctor this morning and got our last ultrasound for quite some time! Jack is weighing in at a whopping 13 oz! He was lying around feet up, hand behind his head. Really showing mom and dad how rough life is on the inside. On another very cool note, we were taking a look at his face when he yawned! It was so funny, cute, adorable, handsome, and alienish all rolled into one single action! You read that right, I think our baby sort of looks like an alien right now! Especially on an ultrasound picture! The picture only shows his eye areas, mouth area, etc. I know you all understand that when I call my child an alien I mean it in the most loving, endearing way possible! I digress...

I've gained 7 lbs since my last visit (oink oink). That puts me at 10 lbs for my entire pregnancy! There was no lecture about eating more this time...just lots of "good jobs" and "oh you are finally showing"! Chris and I put up the occasional high five, but nothing new, they think we are nuts.

While she was taking a peek at Jack she measured my cervix and I passed with flying colors! After today's visit they are treating my pregnancy as "normal". No more extra ultrasounds or sneak peeks. I'm going to be honest here...although I'm extremely excited be healthy, I'm slightly bummed! I liked seeing Jack every 4 weeks! I can totally see why Tom Cruise bought an ultrasound machine when Katie was preggo. If I was rich I think I would do the same!

24 Weeks

We are officially at 24 weeks and 3 days...but who's counting?

We had our 24 week check up today! It was extremely uneventful. Weight check, blood pressure, and belly check. The doctor sent me on my way! I'm measuring small, which apparently means absolutely nothing at this point. The doctor said I could be carrying a small baby OR because I'm tall I'm "hiding" a big baby well! Like I said at this point means nothing...

The coolest part of the past week has been watching the development of my stomach. Not only is it growing (4 lbs in 4 weeks...ehem), but Jack is finally making it move! Chris and I can stare at my stomach for hours and watch it jump around! It's very strange, but in a cool, incredible, amazing miracle kind of way! Jack is also developing a little pattern. He is very active between 8:30 and 9 pm and again first thing in the morning! Supposedly he will become more patterned as the weeks go on. I cannot wait!

The most difficult and painful part of this entire pregnancy has been the emotional stress I've put on myself about vaccines. I opted to receive the seasonal flu vaccine, but after tons of tons of research, debate, thinking, and prayer I've opted out of the H1N1 vaccine. You should see the disapproving looks I got at the doctor today! I think our file has been blacklisted. I'd like to apologize to Jack in advance if the nurse "accidentally" squeezes him a little hard when I'm delivering, or the doctor "drops" him on the floor (I kid I kid)...but seriously I felt like I was being put in timeout with the looks I received today. Maybe I am being a little dramatic, but after making this decision I was a little sensitive. They still tried to change my mind and I went home with even MORE literature to read. I almost declined the literature (stating that I've killed nearly an entire rainforest in articles I've printed out and filled almost our entire dvr with informative shows), but decided if I wanted to stay somewhat in good terms with the Dr. I would just smile at take it home! =)

Chris and I have done almost all of our registering and picked out a crib, bedding, etc! This part of the process is so overwhelming and EXTREMELY exciting! It makes things 1 step closer to being real.

28 Weeks

Goodbye 2nd trimester...HELLO #3 (and final)!!

We have reached 28 weeks and 3 days to be exact. It has been a very fun adventure and in just 12 short weeks we will be starting a new and bigger one!!

28 weeks feels similar to the other weeks with just a few minor inconveniences differences:

1. I've lost the majority of my stomach muscles I had pre Jack. I can very much see why pregnant women "roll" out of chairs, off couches, etc.
2. I'm housing a future MMA (mixed martial arts) star. No more little flutters or love taps. He's full fledged kicking in there! It's fun to watch!
3. The bathroom. a.k.a. my hangout. Jack must be so comfy sitting right on my bladder because I hang in the bathroom as often as Zach Morris and the gang hung at "The Max" (I know bad joke...)

28 weeks began with a Dr. visit! This is the gestational diabetes testing week. This morning I drank a small bottle of liquid orange tic tacs with my breakfast. The directions say you must drink it all in 5 minutes. The competitive side of me raced the clock and finished it in 2....That drink didn't stand a chance. My awesome chugging skills may or may not have something to do with my 4 years spent at MIZZOU. They then do a finger prick at the Dr. Office. I passed with flying colors! Hooray!! My weight gain these past 4 weeks was 6 lbs. 20 lbs in 28 weeks....Oink oink MOO! Jack is still measuring on the small side of normal. This still doesn't mean a single thing. And hey, I'm not complaining!

The biggest development is our choice in hospital. We believe we've decided on a hospital. Although there are 2 great hospitals with 10 minutes of us our doctor prefers one over the other. Unfortunately, that hospital's anesthesiology department does not work with our insurance group. The other hospital in town does. So we broke the news to the doc today...we are still not interested in the H1N1 vaccine and we this we would like to deliver at the hospital further away from you. (Sorry Jack if we didn't have you dropped on your head with the vaccine, we most certainly do now...but look on the bright side kid at DePaul it's covered by insurance!)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Ours was awesome. Lots of family and really good food. I'm sure the massive weight gain had a little something to do with the massive amounts of food ingested last week....but it's for the baby right?

31 Weeks

Hello week 31! You look pretty similar to the last few! Lots of bathroom breaks, tons of kicking, & and overall feeling of...LARGE!

We started our week with a trip to the doctor. Very uneventful. I have had a 5 lbs weight gain. Now tipping the scales 25 lbs heavier than I was in May. Not loving that stat considering by my calculations I should only gain 30 lbs the whole time. REMINDER: We have 9 weeks left!! But the doctor likes my weight gain and my blood pressure. TRANSLATION: Quit reading the Internet and go to Med school if you want to self diagnose.

I am measuring small again, so next time they are wanting to do an ultrasound! They want to weigh him and make sure he's growing enough. I can't wait for the pictures! She checked my stomach and pushed around for a few minutes to see if there was any explanation to my measurements. Apparently, she thinks he's laying form Left to Right across my stomach and is fairly stretched out. Possibly causing the "lack of bulge". My response, "Trust me doc there is bulge. Tons of bulge. Must I remind you I've gained 25 lbs???"

Nothing too exciting to report, no drastic changes (Have I mentioned 5 lbs?) I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas! We are really excited to celebrate in Mid-MO for a few days! Have a very Merry Christmas! I hope Santa brings everyone what they want!!

34 Weeks

Wanted to send out a quick update email. The Dr. visits are getting closer and closer, but I don't want to overload you all with updates either! We had our 34 week checkup on Friday. Everything was great; my weight gain was 2 lbs (27lbs total)! However, I was measuring very small so they ordered an ultrasound for this morning.
We went in for the ultrasound this morning with hopes that we were/are hiding a big baby very well. But to our surprise we have a very small baby. He's in the lower 10th percentile for weight. This isn't too concerning, they just want to find out why he's so small. We did get to see he has a head full of hair! Obviously can't tell what color, but I'm guessing brown. (Hoping for blonde)
What we did find out was that I'm not producing very much amniotic fluid. Apparently I'm lacking quite a bit. They are a little concerned with this so I have to go back tomorrow for a NST (stress test) on Jack. I'll tell you what he doesn't look the least stressed in there! One hand was on his head and the other hand was resting between his legs. Yes, typical guy. Picture man on couch watching football...that's what the ultrasound looked like! I also am being sent over to Maternal Fetal Medicine for a 4D ultrasound and some extra testing on his blood flow. They want to make sure he's getting enough blood in there! =) For now they've made me promise I will eat anything and everything I want (ice cream & carbs included)and try to drink 4x the water I was already drinking (I'm on bottle 4 for the day). We will be doing biweekly stress tests and ultrasounds for the rest of the pregnancy. Which brings me to the next part...they told me this morning I wouldn't carry him full term. They are going to induce me early. How early? Right now it's just a week early, but they are going to play it by ear. They think even though he is a small baby he might be able to get more nutrients on the outside rather than the inside!

35 Weeks

35 weeks along and Jack is officially a honeydew melon. He is growing like a weed...before I know it I'll have a little pumpkin in my stomach! I've gained 2 more pounds...obviously no trouble eating here! However, according to the DR. Jack's tummy is "tiny". Doc says you can help fix that with a healthy diet of ice cream and carbs (in addition to what I'm already eating!!). Christopher wants to know if that diagnosis applies to husbands. My amniotic fluids are still really low...translation...drink a minimum of 64 oz of water daily...translation...LIVE in the bathroom.

We've been a very busy family since learning I'm low on fluids and not sharing nutrients very well! Jack and I now go 2x a week for Non Stress Tests. These are tests that hook you up to monitors to watch his heart rate and your contraction rate (ahem...boring...ahem) They take anywhere between 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Depends on what Jack's doing! They want to make sure he's not stressed out with the level of fluids in there. We've had 3 already and the results are in...NOT STRESSED YET! In fact at the first one he was sleeping! Seriously how stressful can life be in-utero?

We also had an appointment at Maternal Fetal Medicine. This was a really cool and very informative ultrasound! They spent nearly 1.5 hours testing him, my blood flow, fluid levels, and weighing him. He weighs almost 5 lbs (in the 16th percentile). The blood flow is great, fluid levels are still low. We got to see his heart (all four chambers), his kidneys, bladder, stomach, and lungs. Not to mention all of his fingers, toes, eyes, etc. He's a perfect little (emphasis on little) boy! =)

I have another NST (non stress test) on Friday. Tuesday the 26th we have another ultrasound to check on his fluid levels as well as an NST. We are going to continue with this pattern unless anything changes! Right now they are planning on inducing me 2/15. If they determine it needs to be sooner I'll let you all know! Keep your fingers crossed I get to keep him in there that long! =) I need to work and finish his room!!!

Speaking of his's almost finished!

36 Weeks

Not feeling very creative today. This is going to be a boring update...but an update nonetheless right?
We've made it to 36 weeks! Major changes since last week...can't breathe, can't breathe can't breathe. Jack is currently resting 1 of his oh so cute feet in my rib cage. AWESOME. We've had a few chats about it, but apparently he's comfy in this resting spot so he's not planning on moving any time soon! Lying down is quite possibly one of the only comfy positions to be in. I keep reminding him that selling homes from a reclined position probably wouldn't go over well with my company. And if he wants to eat, be dressed, go to school, etc. he REALLY needs his mom to be able to sell homes right now! =)

We are technically at 36 weeks and 3 days. Jack is weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs 12 ounces! =) This is 12 ounces of growth since 2 weeks ago! The doctors are very happy with this news and quite surprised. They didn't think he would grow this quickly! My fluid levels are still low, but not too dangerous. They have my drinking MASSIVE amounts of water and trying to lie down whenever possible. He has passed his last few stress tests with flying colors (thank goodness)!

The doctors do not want me to carry him full term. They have decided to induce me at 39 weeks. We go into the hospital on 2/14 and should have a little Jack by 2/15! =) The only reason this date would move up is if my fluid levels dropped drastically. No need to count, that's 20 DAYS AWAY...I repeat....20 DAYS AWAY. Yikes! Everyone keeps asking if we're ready. What's really meant by ready? Are you ever really ready? I guess, no we aren't ready, but we are very excited and can't wait to meet him!

In a nutshell, today's doctor visit was a good one! No bad news, nothing scary, and overall he's doing just great!

4 Days Before Jack’s Birthday

Jack is READY READY READY. I noticed in the past day or so that he's moved down in my belly, but I didn't realize how far.
Here are my stats:
I'm 4 cm dialated and completely thinned out. No baby yet, but apparently literally any day now! I'll let you all know once we know more! =)

Very excited to meet little baby Jack!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

6 Months

Dear Jack,

You are 6 months old! 1/2 of 1 year! We are incredibly in love. Over the past 6 months you have changed so much, so often, and so quickly! I'm having a hard time remembering life with you as a newborn (eat, poop, cry, sleep...ah yes I guess I haven't forgotten).

You are 16 lbs 11 ounces, 27 inches tall, and your head is 43 cm. "Tall and slender, just like mom and dad". Obviously Dr. Fink hasn't seen mom or dad without clothes on. You're right on track with weight and height, nothing to worry about. Dr. Fink said breastfed babies tend to level out their pounds as they become more active.

Speaking of breastfeeding, you still love it. Secretly, so do I. Really though you love eating of all kinds! You typically only nurse in the morning and evenings unless I'm home with you all day. Then I think I like you to nurse more than you like to nurse. As long as it's food you don't care where it comes from. You eat an assortment of foods too! New foods this month are: zucchini, green beans, peas, prunes, corn, bananas, peaches, apples, and pears. Guess what? There isn't a single food that you turn down. This makes me happy; eating your vegetables makes dad happy.

You are working on 2 teeth. We can feel them in your gums, but they are yet to poke through. This causes you lots of pain and causes us lots of sleepless nights.

Nights. You are still waking up in the middle of the night. We've tried everything to get you to stop, well almost everything. We won't let you Cry It Out. I'm just not ready for that yet. So until then, we groggily stumble into your room, give you a bottle, and put you back to bed. I guess it's really not so bad. Plus, we love how you snuggle in your rocking chair half asleep.

Bathtime. We have a great time bathing you. You have an even better time getting bathed! Splashing is your #1 game. Dad looks like he's been swimming with his clothes on by the time the 2 of you are finished. Your second favorite bathtime activity? Chewing on a washcloth. In turn, bathtime requires 3 washcloths, one for you, one for soaping up, and one to cover you up. Oh your 3rd favorite activity? Peeing EVERYWHERE.

Speaking of peeing, you wear a size 3 diaper and have for sometime now. Actually, I'm assuming you will for awhile as well.

You love to stand. More specifically you love to stand AND move. If you had the body control I'm convinced you would walk. Forget the crawling. But since I mentioned it, you are not too far off. Every so often you push up on all fours and wiggle around, but you can't quite figure out what's next. I'm ok with that, we haven't finished babyproofing yet!

Generally speaking you are a happy baby. That makes mom and dad happy parents! So thank you. Thank you Jack for such a great month and a wonderful 6 months. We really are blessed with the world's best gift. Thank you for making us smile. Thank you for making us laugh. And even thank you for keeping us up at night. Most importantly thank you for making our family of 3 a perfect family of 4.

Love always and forever,

Mom and Dad

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I know you all have been waiting in GREAT anticipation for the next posting. Well here you go!

No it's not Jack's letter (which is written, picture taken, just waiting the Dr. visit on Tuesday so I can fill in the stats), not any funny posting about poop, breast feeding (which I still do--TMI I know), and it's DEFINITELY not another sappy post about a family member.

It's SHAMELESS promotion. I am SHAMELESSLY promoting my husband's store, PROVISIONS. For those of you that don't know CDitty owns a clothing store. PROVISIONS became his baby in October of 2008. He has since become a slave making his own dream a reality! In the next short weeks we will be launching his new website: and EVERONE will be able to FINALLY shop online! =) Hooray! You can buy items like this:

Or this: Great denim:

One of my personal favs:
Men's stuff too:

But this is perfect. Perfect for football games, tailgating, BBQ's, and more:

And yes you can buy one too!

Monday, August 9, 2010


Exactly 6 months ago you came into our world and changed our lives forever. Changed our lives for the better. You made us a perfect family of 4.

6 months is:

25 weeks

181 days

4341 hours

260,638 minutes

15,629,024 seconds

We cannot imagine a second without you, Jack. From the minute you took your first breath and wailed your first cry we were hooked. We love you buddy. Happy 1/2 birthday.

Love you a million times infinity,

Mom & Dad

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Confession

I have a confession to make. I've been leading all of you on. I've been holding back, keeping a secret. I've been thisclose to lying to you.

I have a twin. Sister, actually. She's 3 months younger than me and has different parents, but a twin nonetheless. We've been twins for years. Let me introduce you. So without further ado...Valerie Michelle

You can call her Waddie. I do. Her friends do. Her parents do. And her brother lovingly coined the name.

In reality Waddie is my beautiful cousin. She really is 3 months younger than me, but we've been telling everyone we are twins for forever. So...where do I start? If I typed everything I wanted to you all would be reading for DAYS! So here's the rundown.

Waddie is funny. Very, very funny. She's also fun. Crazy fun! She makes me laugh. Really though, she makes everyone laugh. She likes spicy. Very spicy. Outrageously, incredibly hot, burn your mouth spicy. In fact, if you truly are what you eat then she would be a jalepeno or maybe a habenero (if you are what you drink she'd be a Bud Light). Which brings me to my next point. She's hot. Tall, blonde, tan, and skinny. A real life Barbie doll! In true Barbie fashion Waddie loves to shop! And woah the girl can shop! She will shop for anyone, any occasion, or for no reason at all!!

Waddie is an extremely giving person. I'm confident she would give anyone the shirt off her back (plus it would give her an excuse to buy a new one). She's a great friend. A best friend. A friend that can make you feel good about yourself no matter what the case. She was my maid of honor. Or MOH as she calls it. She pulled off her duties fabulously. Even down to her toast(raise your glass).

I can't wait for Jack to get to know his Auntie Waddie. She'll be the "fun one". The one that let's him stay up past his bed time, eat ice cream for dinner, and when he doesn't want to take a bath I'm sure she'll let him forgo the bath too! And I couldn't be more excited! Everyone deserves that "aunt" and I'm glad he'll have her. I'm glad I have her because even I like ice cream for dinner sometimes!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blogging Road Block...

Apparently I'm not creative anymore. I want to write about millions of millions of things, but sit down to actually do it and...I draw a blank. Was I just on a hot streak and really lucky? Maybe. Could it be the lack of sleep? Probably. Does it make me frustrated? Absolutely.

I'm going to channel my inner creativity and get back to this blogging thing....tomorrow.

Friday, July 30, 2010


Grayson & Lucy. He's almost 7 and she's 4.

Translation: When Jack is 10 Grayson will be 17 and Lucy will be I smell babysitters???

Mainly I wanted you all to see 2 of the cutest, quirkiest, funniest kids I know.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lindsay + Rad = TRUE LOVE

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be in Lindsay's wedding. She married the man of her dreams, Rad. It was a perfect day, perfect venue, and of course she had the most perfect bridesmaids! ;-)

Thanks to MK and my facebooking stalking skills here are some pictures!!

There were beautiful flowers...

The Matron of Honor and Lindsay...


First Dance. Check out the dance was big, white, and awesome! Oh and the Atlanta Showstoppers (the band) were GREAT!

The whole place was beautiful!

The Band was awesome...we look like dorks

The Cruise Terminal was big, but the lighting made it AMAZING!

MUST EAT is hands down the most delicious cake EVER

Wedding Krispy Kremes. Lindsay and Rad sure know how to speak to my husband's heart...

McCoy and CDitty posing..
I hope Lindsay and Rad had the time of their lives. It was a perfect night...

Monday, July 19, 2010

5 Months Old

Dear Jack Dial,

You are 5 months old. How did this happen? Where in the world has time gone? We no longer refer to your age in weeks (and haven't for sometime now). You are so smart, so strong, and most definitely our absolute favorite person in the world. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank the big man upstairs for blessing our lives with you.

Last month was definitely one for the record books. Talk about a whirlwind. On top of our trips, parties, celebrations, and visitors you managed to teach yourself a few tricks. So where should I start?

4 month check-up. You are 15.2 lbs & 24 1/2 inches long. So big! You were on your best behavior with Dr. Fink. He even mentioned how alert you are! He noted your active eyes! Of course there were nasty shots and a nasty syrupy vaccine, but you were a trooper.

You rollover. All. the. time. It is your favorite trick. And guess who taught it to you? Grandma. Well you learned it at her house anyway. Front to back still "tricks you up" (love you Val), but back to front? You're an old pro!!

Trips. You are quite the traveler! Dad and I loaded up BOTH cars with baby gear and headed South. The Outer Banks. We spent 1 awesome week with my family. The weather was HOT, but the company was fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better. You were so busy playing and being LOUD! G.G. is convinced you are going to sing opera (Secretly I'm hoping for more mainstream, sell out concerts, cds, etc. Hey a mom can dream right?!?)

You were baptized. It was beautiful. You were handsome. We are proud. G.G. thew you a party at the club! We had fun, stuffed ourselves, and you were well behaved. We couldn't have asked for more. One VERY special note: You wore your dad's baptismal gown. How very special.

As I've mentioned in previous posts. YOU.LOVE.FOOD. Love is the understatement of the century. You think food is the cats meow. And now you really eat! Cereal, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes (or is it sweet potatos? Help! Dan Quayle?!) No surprise here you love it all.

Last, but not least you found your feet. AND you think they are awesome. Your main goal is to get them in your mouth. However, because of your love of food (see paragraph above) you are about 2 inches shy of your goal. So many more things happened, I just touched on the high points! We love you and I know you know it. You are so fun. Every day is a new adventure, full of excitement and joy. Full of laughter and fun. You complete us and make us who we are today. We love you a million and one times over.


Mom & Dad

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Friendship of a Lifetime

Meredith and Barrett are moving. Soon. They have decided to take a huge leap of faith and dive into life in California. LA to specific. How fun! Stalking celebrities, seeing stars, and hopefully making friends with LC and the gang. I'm full of emotion for the two of them. It's such an exciting time! The best I can think of is write Mere a little something so she starts to stalk my blog.

Dear Meredith,

I cannot believe you are moving away from me. What a selfish statement huh? Every time I think about your new journey I can't stop crying. Tears of happiness for your adventure, selfish tears of sadness, and tears of pride. I've never met a person quite like you and never had a friendship quite like ours.

Who knew in 2006 our lives would actually cross? The Big Man upstairs had most definitely mapped out a plan for our future and our friendship. He laid out that plan at Stef's house the first night we met. Our friendship was so magnetic, so instant I'm convinced we are "soul sisters".

Now, just 4 short years later I know I've met the very best friend anyone could ever have. While we are so different on so many levels we are exactly the same. Have the same OCD tendencies, like the same clothes, food, drinks, and games! I know that when I'm sad you are a voice of comfort. When I am angry or frustrated you are a voice of reason. You help keep my life in perspective and help me my lofty goals/dreams in check.

I am going to miss you terribly. Spontaneous sleepovers will be no longer. Play dates with the dogs are a thing of the past. In fact, Fenway is no longer going to have a best friend to hang with when we go out of town spur of the moment (Speaking of, can you leave us Becky's number? I kid, I kid...well sort of). Scrabble games will have to be played via SKYPE or online and definitely won't be as much fun. Of course you can still send me pictures of your outfits before you go out at night and I will still approve your shoe/jacket/bracelet choice, but remember there is a THREE hour time difference. Looks like I might only approve happy hour outfits. If it sounds like I'm throwing a pity party...then guilty.

I hear traffic is bad in LA. And Smog, well don't get me started. Aren't there earthquakes in Cali? And the rent is outrageous. You may see a celebrity here or there, but I hear they are snobs and usually way uglier before airbrushing. LA is huge and there is so much to do, but between the traveling, celebrity spotting, and missing me where are you going to find the time to do everything? If I sound like I'm trying to convince you to stay...then guilty.

But seriously, your friendship is intoxicating. You make me happy. All signs point to friends, best friends. And I guess that's what we will be...even if you live in LA.

Last July I shared some of the biggest news of my life with you. We were having a baby, Jack was due in February, and we were so scared, but so excited. I knew from the minute that pregnancy test was positive who I wanted Jack to look up to. I knew you were going to be his godmother. There was never any doubt. And today, Jack is lucky to have you as a godmother and I know even in California you will be an incredible role model.

Technology is wonderful. I hear SKYPE is awesome. Email is fantastic. Digital cameras make sharing pictures a breeze. But still there is nothing like a "hometown" (across town) friendship. Bestfriendship.

I stumbled across this quote and I think it describes us in a nutshell:

"Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us." --Unknown

You are my best friend, the sister God never gave me. There is nothing I keep from you. I share my clothes, my house, my secrets, and most importantly my love. I'm fairly certain we will never live in the same city again. Heck, we may never live in the same timezone, but you will forever by my "sister", my very best friend.

I'm going to miss you times infinity.



Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Father's Day

Jack, Fenway, and I have a superhero that lives right at home with us. Dad. He's our hero, knight in shining armor, and our partner in crime.

Here's a little insight into SUPERDAD!

Almost 3 years ago CDitty and I said "for better, for worse" & "I do". Although very happy in his marriage (I hope) CDitty was struggling. He was trying to find a job he enjoyed. He had been bartending until we got married, left bartending for a brief stint in insurance (gag), and was taking a few college courses here and there. After years of dreaming, followed by months of discussion and planning CDitty quit his job to follow his dreams of owning a clothing store. In 2008 his baby, PROVISIONS, was born. Here we are almost 2 years later, PROVISIONS has endured one of the worst recessions and CDitty is still in business. To make it work he is the only employee and is open 7 days a week, calling Sundays his "day off" (working 4 hours instead of 8). 7 day a week slave to the store? Definitely not something I could do. But he loves it, wants to see PROVISIONS succeed, and in turn heads up to the store every. single. day.

On top of being a 7 day slave to the store, we decided it was time to grow. So...

Just over 5 months ago we expanded from a family of 3 to a family of 4. CDitty held my hand (or my leg) throughout the entire 6 hours of labor. He excitedly talked with our families, nurses, doctors, and friends. And at 6:24pm, we shared the most special moment of our lives together when we looked into the eyes of our baby boy. Since then CDitty has been nothing short of amazing. He helps, cook, clean, diaper changes, bottle feedings, and even more. He has slipped into his role of dad flawlessly, never missing a beat. Jack is one lucky dude. I'm one lucky lady.

On June 20th we celebrated his very first Father's Day! Jack was baptized, we left for vacation, and mom ALMOST got CDitty the perfect gift. This was definitely a day to remember.

Happy Father's Day to our very own SUPERHERO! We are lucky to have you at home and in PROVISIONS!

Mom, Jack, and Fenway


I have so much to blog about. I don't know where to start...Outer Banks, my trip to NYC, Jack found his feet...WOW. I'm on blog overload.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


We leave tomorrow for a week in the Outer Banks. We've been going down to Avon for years and years now. However, this year it won't be as much relax on the sand in the sun as it as been in years past. No, Jack isn't walking or running around yet, but he does require A LOT of sleep.
Anyway, CDitty and I were making a list of things we needed to pack. AND SERIOUSLY Jack's "stuff" is a page long. Swing, Pack n Play, jogger, Bumbo, you get the picture. I think we might need a UHAUL.
SIDE NOTE: I officially bought a one piece swimsuit. TOTAL MOM.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life Lessons

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. " Anonymous

This picture truly takes my breath away. Baby Jack is really looking at Granny, listening to what she has to say.

This is probably Life Lesson #1 of many. If Baby Jack is smart he'll listen. Granny has years of life lessons under her belt and honestly they are each as fabulous as she is.

Baby Jack, you don't know Granny (GG) very well yet, but let me fill you in. She is incredibly inspiring. 55 years ago she married Grandpa Doc, the love of her life, and they started a family. While he was working she raised 3 kids, each 18 months apart. Never once did they reuse a bath towel or sleep on unpressed sheets. She managed to have dinner on the table and a martini in Grandpa Doc's hand every single night. She cleaned house, hauled horses, arranged scavenger hunts, and tucked each child in every single night. But despite all of her super human feats she is most inspiring because she instilled generosity, love, kindness, and humility in each of her 3 kids (your Nana included).

Listen closely to what she says. She has countless stories and adventures to share. If Granny invites you over for lunch, dinner, or even a snack NEVER turn it down. I promise it will taste better than anything I will ever cook.

She likes to have fun, play games, and be around family. It's perfect because you are one of the bunch! In fact, you make her sparkle. You light up her eyes! Your stories rival hers and she is more than happy to listen.

Life lesson from mom, try to remember every life lesson from Granny. If you only remember 1/2 of them you will have learned a lot.