Monday, July 19, 2010

5 Months Old

Dear Jack Dial,

You are 5 months old. How did this happen? Where in the world has time gone? We no longer refer to your age in weeks (and haven't for sometime now). You are so smart, so strong, and most definitely our absolute favorite person in the world. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank the big man upstairs for blessing our lives with you.

Last month was definitely one for the record books. Talk about a whirlwind. On top of our trips, parties, celebrations, and visitors you managed to teach yourself a few tricks. So where should I start?

4 month check-up. You are 15.2 lbs & 24 1/2 inches long. So big! You were on your best behavior with Dr. Fink. He even mentioned how alert you are! He noted your active eyes! Of course there were nasty shots and a nasty syrupy vaccine, but you were a trooper.

You rollover. All. the. time. It is your favorite trick. And guess who taught it to you? Grandma. Well you learned it at her house anyway. Front to back still "tricks you up" (love you Val), but back to front? You're an old pro!!

Trips. You are quite the traveler! Dad and I loaded up BOTH cars with baby gear and headed South. The Outer Banks. We spent 1 awesome week with my family. The weather was HOT, but the company was fantastic. I couldn't have asked for better. You were so busy playing and being LOUD! G.G. is convinced you are going to sing opera (Secretly I'm hoping for more mainstream, sell out concerts, cds, etc. Hey a mom can dream right?!?)

You were baptized. It was beautiful. You were handsome. We are proud. G.G. thew you a party at the club! We had fun, stuffed ourselves, and you were well behaved. We couldn't have asked for more. One VERY special note: You wore your dad's baptismal gown. How very special.

As I've mentioned in previous posts. YOU.LOVE.FOOD. Love is the understatement of the century. You think food is the cats meow. And now you really eat! Cereal, squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes (or is it sweet potatos? Help! Dan Quayle?!) No surprise here you love it all.

Last, but not least you found your feet. AND you think they are awesome. Your main goal is to get them in your mouth. However, because of your love of food (see paragraph above) you are about 2 inches shy of your goal. So many more things happened, I just touched on the high points! We love you and I know you know it. You are so fun. Every day is a new adventure, full of excitement and joy. Full of laughter and fun. You complete us and make us who we are today. We love you a million and one times over.


Mom & Dad


  1. Beautiful!!
    Cherish these moments.
    Time has a way of slipping by us; FAST.
    I love you Jack--you give me a reason to get up in the morning.

  2. Precious pictures! Great letter and I love getting updated! Miss you!

  3. So sweet :) He's looking very grown up these days!
