Thursday, January 12, 2012

23 Months

  1. You talk in complete sentences.
  2. I understand 90% of them.
  3. Your teachers at school are Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Susan.  You call them "Sue Sue and Inda".  They love you almost as much as I do.
  4. According to you Santa (who lives at the mall) visited Deebus (Jesus) at the First Christmas.
  5. You have become a "master staller"
  6. Especially at bedtime.  You always say "I'm missing something" and frantically search through your 9 stuffed animals and 3 blankets that you insist on keeping in your crib.
  7. I think you got the hoarding gene from your father.
  8. You love your bapi, wear size 5 diapers, and tell everyone that you pee pee on the potty.  You don't even try.
  9. The only time our house is quiet is at naptime and bedtime.  We wouldn't have it any other way.
  10. You love to sing.  Jingle Bells, Twinkle Twinkle, and ABC's are your current top hits.
  11. Your version of the ABC's is "a, c, k, m, n, p Yay!!"
  12. You are stubborn; so am I.
  13. We butt heads.
  14. You bite, hit, and punch when we butt heads.
  15. Time out, hugs, kisses, and sorrys always follow.
  16. Obsessed with trains doesn't even begin to do your love for the toy justice.
  17. In turn, we know just about every name to every Thomas character.
  18. Your love for sports doesn't surprise me.  You scream "Touchdown Tebow", "GO TIGERS", "2 Points", and "FORE!" when playing football, basketball, and golf.
  19. You think you are hilarious.
  20. I think you are a genius.
  21. Since cleaning up our basement you want to spend all of your time in the"masement".
  22. Suddenly you don't want to eat anything but Popsicles.  I blame it on your Grumps.
  23. Your daddy and I love you more than you can ever dream.  I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for you!

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