Monday, September 19, 2011


I've been doing a lot of internal debating, quite a bit of internet reading, and listening to friends' stories about quitting the paci.  Or as it's known in our house, the bapi.  Jack seems to be growing more and more addicted as the days go on..  I've been wondering when is the time?  How do we do it?  I can't wait for the bapi free days.  The ease of not wondering where they are.  Knowing you have about 30 in the house, but cannot find a single one.  I look forward to not "cleaning" them off after falling on the ground in the mall, the parking lot, the yard.  I also dream about the future when we are bapi free and don't have to do a bapi hand off similar to a play action fake. 

Today I was putting Jack in the car around his nap time and he was frantically requesting a bapi.  I obliged, pulled it out of my back pocket, sucked the lint off, and placed it into my little boy's mouth.  He promptly took it out and dropped it.  Somewhere in the back of my car.  Now if you have seen the floorboards in the backseat of my car (or any mother's car) you would understand the panic that ensued.  Where the hell did it go?  Jack is asking yelling screaming "BAPI", I'm sweating and frantically moving the diaper bag, Brobee, the cart cover, 5 books, 2 toys, baby hiking boots (more on that later), and resort to getting in the backseat, cllimbing over jack, and hanging out of the car.  All in front of school.  Jack's school.  His new school.  Yup, I'm sure they flagged our file as questionable parenting.  The 2 years
ago me totally would have too.  5 minutes, 1 pinched kid, and what feels like a small workout later I found the bapi.  Thank god.

Lesson learned:  Pack 2 bapis at all times.  And no, we are not quitting this month.  I'm not ready yet.

Friday, September 9, 2011

18 Months

I'm going to attempt to unpack my bacgs here and stay awhile.

Now that you are officially 19 months here I thought we should post about the past 18 months.

18 About 18 Months

1.  You re 32" tall and 25 lbs of pure fun.
2.  Excitement and energy run through every ounce of you.
3.  With the excitement comes exhaustion.  Mine.  Again, I don't know how people with 2 kids do it.
4.  You have 16 teeth.  You know how to use them.  On us.  It hurts.
5.  B/c of your new found love for biting, you have learned about "me time".  TIME OUT.  Generally you handle me time ok and we end with a hug, kiss, and a "sahrry' (sorry).
6. Sahrry (sorry), doggie, mommy, daddy, shoot, guys, gosh, peease, sank sue, yesssss, and bubbles are just a tiny sampling of your ever growing vocabulary.  And short sentences are your newest skill!
7.  Speaking of skills you have mad baseball, basketball, and golf skills.  Keep it up!  Mommy and daddy want to cash in your college fund for a really really fun trip in a few years!  Any kind of scholarship works for us!
8.  "Side" is your favorite place.  Unfortunately for you the mosquitoes love having you "side" too!  They see you as an all you can eat buffet.  After a few hours on your swingset, a lady asked me if you were healing from a bad case of the measles!  Nope!  Just mosquitoes, and a lesson learned, only go "side" with a can of OFF
9.  After all your sleep issues you have turned into a wonderful sleeper.  3.5-4 hour naps in the afternoon and 11 hours at night time.  I really cannot complain.
10.  You cough on command.
11.  You sneeze on command too.
12.  In true boy form, burping makes you laugh hysterically.  Thankfully, Grandma taught you "scues me"
13.  Yo Gabba Gabba and WonderPets are your favorite tv shows.
14.  According to you, DJ Lance Rock is "AWESOME"
15.  After another trip to MO, you are quite the traveling pro!  16 different planes, 8 connections, and countless flight attendants all crammed into 18 months.  (I think that's more trips than dad took in his first 18 years of life)
16.  You are obsessed with trucks, trains, buses, and planes.
17.  We are decking out your new room with all of the above items.  But not quite yet.  You still love your crib.
18.  Your newest trick is telling us about your poop, boogers, and pee pee.  YOU.ARE.ALL.BOY.

Thank you, Jack, for making the past 18 months the very best months of our lives.  Without you what exactly would we be doing with our time?

Mom and Dad