Sunday, February 20, 2011

Too quickly...

I looked at my dayplanner (iPhone) today and realized OHMYGOSH February is more than halfway over!  Soon it will be March, April, my trip to LA, and May... I will probably blink and 2011 will be 2012 and then next thing I know Jack will be driving or worse, married and I'll be a grandma!  Classic me; total overreaction.  Back up..real life...Jack is 1.  And I am in my 20s.  But seriously, February is really flying by.  I think when I'm actually a grandma I want to be "Nonie" or "Nona", maybe "Oma".  Mainly I want to be awesome.  Just like Jack's Nana and GMA.

Back to the point of this post.  Wait, is there a point to this post?  Not yet?  The point is to thank CDitty.  For what?  Being awesome.  That's what.  (Side note:  awesome is my current favorite word.  In a thank you note I wrote this week I used awesome no less than 5 times.  IN 5 SENTENCES!)

Life is funny.  The twists and turns, ups and downs.  Each event is the sometimes direct, sometimes indirect result of another event.  There are endless amounts of scenarios and countless people to thank (Annie Fannie) for leading me to CDitty.  Because of him life's ups are really up and the downs don't seem to be half as bad as they would be alone. 

So here is a toast to CDitty.  Thank you for being my 100% complete opposite.  You are my dark haired, handsome, calm, and spontaneous hubby.  Thank you for being my goofy, studious (ha), hardworking partner.  Thank you for picking me and loving me.  Bust most of all, thank you for being an awesome dad,  an incredibly generous father, and a total role model for Jack.  There is not a person in this world I would rather share life's twists and turns with.  Because of you life's ups and downs seem like a fun roller coaster and sometimes (I repeat sometimes) aren't all that stressful.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Here is a...

...a sneak peek into Jack's BIG BASH!
Does it get any cuter?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

11 Months


In just 6 short days you will be turning 1.  A whole year has flown by.  I'm scared to blink, I don't want to miss even just one second.  Scared when you are 16 I'm going to forget the scrunchy face you make when you think you're funny.  Or any other thing you do for that matter.  I'm not ready to let go of my baby, not ready for a toddler.  Good thing I have 6 more days.

January 9th you turned 11 months old.  This past month has been definitely one for the record books. 

Your first Christmas happened.  And let me tell you it was quite the event.  4 days of present opening and endless days of clean up!  Although I've never doubted it, Christmas reassured us that you are definitely loved.  NO. DOUBT. ABOUT. IT.

Christmas Day with my cousins
 Christmas Day you point at Gage and say, "Dog".  Although it sounded a lot like "GOG" I'll give it to you, your first word.

Christmas night ended with snow.  Lots of snow.  14" total when the storm was over.  We took you sledding.  Your hat was a little big and the snow was bright so I'm not so sure you thought it was nearly as awesome as we did. 
Sled Day!

December 29th you decided this crawling thing was totally overrated.  You had been "accidentally" walking for weeks, but today you took steps.  All by yourself.  Just like that crawling became a thing of the past and you became a mobile machine.

NYE 2011:  So fun.  We got dressed up (a little) and went  to Summer and Fresh's house.  2 words:  KID CENTRAL.  8 adults and 6 kids, wine, champagne, and food galore!  It was so fun!  You stayed up past your bedtime (until 9PM, crazy right?!?) And the fireworks and midnight didn't even wake you up.

2010 Babies and their Moms!  (Mia too!)
Grandma got sick on January 5th.  She was in ICU for quite a few days and the hospital for nearly 2 weeks.  Your dad took you to visit, but only stayed in the lobby.  No need to catch H1N1.  Luckily, GMA got to walk down to see you.  I know you missed her and she missed you too.

  • You had a serious growth spurt.  9 month pants are way too short.  9 month onesies fit fine in the body, but the arms are a tad short.
  • Still a size 3 diaper.
  • You still LOVE to eat.  We are getting more courageous with food and in torn you are getting more variety.
  • Making sounds and "talking" are 2 of your favorite past times.  You make an elephant sound and roar like a tiger (we are training you well and plan on sending you to MIZZOU).
  • If we could bottle and sell your energy I know we would be billionaires.  Once you learned how to walk you haven't looked back.  We.  Are.  Exhausted.
  • 8 teeth.  We are teaching you how to bite into food.  Because again, you love to eat.
Six days until you are 1.  Six days until we have known you for 365 days.  For now I'm celebrating 11 months!

Love always and forever,

Mom and Dad